Cottage Cheese Pogácsa
- 2 cups flour.
- 1 cup cottage cheese with whey removed.
- 1 cup butter.
- 1 egg yolk.
- 6 g instant dry yeast.
- 10 g salt.
Cottage cheese directions:
- Start with a 500 g tub of good quality
cottage cheese.
- To remove the whey from the cottage
cheese, place a fine sieve over a bowl.
- Put 2 cups of cottage cheese into the
sieve and let the whey collect in the bowl below.
- Let it drop for a couple of hours or
- Discard the whey or save it to put
back with any leftover cottage cheese.
- You only need 1 cup of whey removed
cottage cheese for the recipe, so there will be some leftover.
Scones directions:
- Combine and knead the ingredients thoroughly.
- Cover the dough and let rest in the fridge
for 20 minutes.
- Preheat the oven to 400F.
- Roll out the dough very thin. It can be a
rectangle or a circle or something in between. What shape it is does not
- Brush half of the rolled out dough thinly
with egg yolk.
- Fold the empty side over the egg brushed
side. You now have 2 layers of dough.
- Again lightly brush half of the folded dough
with the egg yolk.
- Again, fold the empty side over the buttered
side. You now have four layers of dough.
- Next roll out the dough ½ inch thick and cut
out the scones with the smallest biscuit cutter you have.
- Brush the scones with egg.
- Let the scones rest for 10 minutes.
- Bake at 400 F for 20 to 30 minutes until
light golden brown.