Hummus stuffed peppers & cucumbers

Mexican Cuisine

- 12 miniature sweet peppers, mixed colors.
- 3 Persian cucumbers.
- 1 cup hummus.
- 1 tbsp parsley, minced.
- ½ tbsp chives, minced.
- ½ tbsp dill, minced.
- ½ tbsp mint, minced.
- ½ tbsp tarragon, minced.

- Wash and dry the vegetables.
- Prepare the peppers by cutting off the tops, then carefully cutting out the seeds and ribs with a paring knife.
- Cut the ends off the cucumbers and slice each one into 4 chunks.
- Using a melon baler, scoop out the flesh on 1 cut side of each chunk, being careful not to pierce the bottom.
- Place the hummus into a zip-top bag. Cut off a tiny piece at 1 corner.
- Squeeze the hummus down and through the cut hole, using the zip-top bag like a pastry bag, and fill the peppers and cucumbers, finishing each with a little swirl.
- Place the chopped herbs on a plate or in a shallow bowl.
- As you finish stuffing each vegetable, dip the top in the herbs, the way you'd dip an ice cream cone in sprinkles.
- Place the vegetables on a serving platter and serve immediately.