American researchers have revealed the unique properties of tea, as the substances it contains make it truly unique in its ability to slow down aging and stop the development of cancerous diseases.
Scientists from St. Louis University in the United States of America conducted a set of practical experiments to study tea leaves, and the results of this study were published in the journal "Anticancer Research", and it became clear to them that these leaves contain microelements, necessary for body growth and disease prevention.
When consuming oolong tea, for example, it is Chinese tea that undergoes a mild oxidation process, that is, it acquires moderate properties between green tea, which is not subjected to oxidation, and black tea, which is subjected to complete oxidation. When this tea is consumed, the level of inflammation in general in the human body is reduced, and this tea helps prevent the growth of cancer cells effectively and quickly, as confirmed by the results of experiments conducted in the laboratory of Saint Louis University.
The results of preclinical tests also demonstrated the effectiveness of the effect of this tea extract on samples of malignant breast tumors, and oncologists believe that regular and periodic consumption of oolong tea reduces the level of toxins in the body in general, as well as reduces the negative impact of treatment methods used in treating tumors on The condition of the body, and improves the condition of the internal organs of the body.
Chinese statistics indicate that drinking this tea reduces the incidence of cancer diseases by 40%. Therefore, the researchers intend to continue their work and determine its effect on the body's immune system as well as other properties of the tea.
Scientists from St. Louis University in the United States of America conducted a set of practical experiments to study tea leaves, and the results of this study were published in the journal "Anticancer Research", and it became clear to them that these leaves contain microelements, necessary for body growth and disease prevention.
When consuming oolong tea, for example, it is Chinese tea that undergoes a mild oxidation process, that is, it acquires moderate properties between green tea, which is not subjected to oxidation, and black tea, which is subjected to complete oxidation. When this tea is consumed, the level of inflammation in general in the human body is reduced, and this tea helps prevent the growth of cancer cells effectively and quickly, as confirmed by the results of experiments conducted in the laboratory of Saint Louis University.
The results of preclinical tests also demonstrated the effectiveness of the effect of this tea extract on samples of malignant breast tumors, and oncologists believe that regular and periodic consumption of oolong tea reduces the level of toxins in the body in general, as well as reduces the negative impact of treatment methods used in treating tumors on The condition of the body, and improves the condition of the internal organs of the body.
Chinese statistics indicate that drinking this tea reduces the incidence of cancer diseases by 40%. Therefore, the researchers intend to continue their work and determine its effect on the body's immune system as well as other properties of the tea.