Carrot & Turnip Pickles

Vietnamese Cuisine

- 3 to 5 carrots.
- 1 to 2 turnips.
- 1 tsp salt.
- ½ cup sugar.
- 1 cup warm water.
- ½ cup vinegar.

- Wash and peel the carrots and turnips.
- Julienne them with a knife or mandolin, 0r use one of these nifty Julienne peelers which you can find at most kitchen supply stores or Asian markets.
- Sprinkle the salt over the carrots and turnips.
- Toss lightly until the carrots and turnips just being to soften and release a little water, that will help wilt them slightly and get them ready to drink up the brine.
- Wash them in cold water, then strain them very well.
- Pack them tightly into a jar or container.
- Mix the sugar, water and vinegar together until the sugar dissolves. Taste the pickling liquid and adjust to your liking.
- Pour the pickling liquid over the pickles to cover and pop them in the fridge.
- Let them pickle for at least 2 hours before using. Keep them in the fridge.