Pickled Peppers

Mexican Cuisine

- 3 cups sliced peppers (banana peppers, jalapenos and red bonnets).
- 3 cups white vinegar.
- 1 cup water.
- 3 cloves garlic, crushed.

- Place jars and lids in clean dishwasher and hit “sanitize” button. Once they are clean, remove without toughing insides to cool on a clean towel.
- In large stainless steel bowl, combine peppers. Set aside.
- Set 2 large stainless steel or non-aluminum pots on the stove.
- One filled with enough water to submerge jars. Heat water-filled pot.
- In second pot, combine vinegar, water and garlic. Bring to boil over medium-high heat. Reduce heat and boil for 5 min.
- Discard garlic.
- Pack peppers into sanitized jars and ladle hot pickling liquid in, leaving ½ inch headspace.
- Tap to remove air bubbles, wipe rim. Center lid on jar and tighten.
- Place jars in canning pot of water, bring to a boil, cover and process 10 min.
- Remove lid, wait 5 min. then remove jars and cool.