Cheese and Tomato Quiche

English Cuisine

Pastry ingredients:
- 2 ½ cups of all purpose flour.
- 1 cup of white whole-wheat flour.
- Pinch of salt.
- 8 oz of butter, cut into cubes.
- 1 egg yolk.
- Up to 1 cup of cold water.
- A sprig of rosemary, minced.

Filling ingredients:
- 1 cup of cream.
- 1 cup of milk.
- 4 eggs.
- Salt and pepper.
- 1 cup of ricotta cheese, strained of excess liquid.
- 6 oz of grated cheddar cheese.
- 1 onion, thinly sliced.
- 3 tomatoes.
- A good handful of fresh herbs, finely chopped.
- A sprinkle of Parmesan cheese.
Pastry directions:
- Heat the oven to 350F.
- Combine the flour, salt and chopped rosemary in the bowl of a food processor. Pulse a few times until combined.
- Add the cubes of butter and pulse until you have the texture of coarse breadcrumbs.
- Beat together the egg yolk and the water and add gradually while the processor is running until the dough just comes together, you may not need all the liquid.
- Turn the dough out onto a floured surface and bring together with a light knead.
- Wrap in plastic wrap and place in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.

Filling directions:
- Slice the onion and sauté in olive oil with a sprinkling of salt.
- Cook on low for about 15 to 20 minutes until just about caramelized. Remove from heat and let cool.
- Mix together the eggs, cream, milk, ricotta cheese, cheddar cheese, salt and pepper.
- Slice the tomatoes into thin discs.
- Roll out the pastry and line a pie dish. I used an 11 inch dish.
- Scatter the onions over the base, lay the tomato discs over and then pour the rest of the filling ingredients over the onions.
- Add a few more very finely chopped herbs over the top and a sprinkling of Parmesan cheese.
- Place the dish on a baking sheet and place in the oven for at least 1 hour, or until the quiche is slightly risen, golden and set.
- Remove from the oven and let cool for a couple of hours.
- This quiche tastes even better the next day. A great lunch with a side salad.