Have 4 cups of coffee a day

A recent study from the German Institute for Human Nutrition (DifE) revealed that drinking more than four cups of coffee per day reduces the risk of developing liver cancer by 75 percent.

The researchers studied the relationship between daily coffee consumption and the risk of liver cancer, in a long-term study of diet, conducted at the level of Europe.

In their study, the scientists used the information of the study called “EPIC” (European Long-Term Study to Examine Cancer and Nutrition), and the researchers identified special biomarkers in the participants’ blood, providing information about anti-inflammatory substances and the mechanism of cell protection, and the scientists found a relationship between biomarkers and coffee consumption. .

Biomarkers are measurable biological characteristics that give an indication of normal or diseased biological processes in the body. These biomarkers can be specific cells, genes, hormones or molecules, and one example of this is a blood picture, which gives an indication of a person's health status.

The study showed that coffee protects the liver from inflammation and cell damage, which reduces the risk of cancer.

The researchers also are confirmed that drinking more than four cups of coffee per day carried no other health threats.