Get rid of fat and obesity with ginger, lemon and turmeric tea

There are many drinks that we drink daily, either to reduce weight or to melt the fat and obesity.. But those drinks depending on herbs must be safe and guaranteed..

We have chosen for you one of these useful tea, which depends on to many herbs benefits. This drink based on mixing turmeric with ginger and lemon.

But first we have to discover the healthy benefits of the elements in this tea:

It contains vitamin C, which is useful for colds and flu.

Reduces body fat, and resists increased blood cholesterol.

It is an antibiotic that helps in dissolving fats in the body, because it stimulates blood circulation and increases the rate of burning calories.

This herbs mixture contains many healthy benefits, as it strengthens immunity, protects against colds and flu, especially during the change of seasons, reduces the incidence of colds, expels gases, as well as raises the metabolic rate and dissolves accumulated fats to facilitate disposal by simple sport exercises.

To make this tea, you will need..
- 3 cups of boiling water.
- 1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger.
- 1 teaspoon ground turmeric.
- Juice of 2 lemons.
- Lemon slices.

How to prepare:
Put all the ingredients in the boiling water, cover the pot and leave it for 10 minutes. Drink it 3 times a day after eating, for one month. It can be drunk warm or hot on winter evenings and can be sweetened with honey.